Housing Lotteries

Creston Burnside Offers 105 New Apts Starting at $368 in Housing Lottery

A new rental development named Creston Burnside in the Tremont section of the Bronx is set to offer apartments to qualified applicants via housing lottery.

A total of 105 units located at a new building at the intersection of Creston and Burnside avenues are slated for income earners across a wide spectrum of levels, including extremely low at 30 percent of the area median income ($14,949 for a single person) and up to 120 percent of the area median income, or $132,840 for 6-person households. See the chart below for details:

Rental rates vary greatly, too. For instance, some studios will cost as little as $368 for a single occupant, while the most expensive rent is $1,965 for some 3-bedroom units.

To apply online, go to NYC Housing Connect. To request an application by mail, send a self-addressed envelope to: Creston Burnside c/o Cornell Pace Inc. 542 Main Street 3rd Floor, New Rochelle, NY 10801.

Applications must be postmarked or submitted online no later than May 21, 2018.

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