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8 Reports Sales in NYC, All Home Type
Metric Definitions
Sales (8)
The StreetEasy Price Index
The StreetEasy Price Indices are monthly indices that track changes in resale prices of condo, co-op, townhouse and single-family homes, and are currently available for Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens. Each index uses a repeat-sales method of comparing the sales prices of the same properties since January 1995 in Manhattan and January 2005 in Brooklyn and Queens. The repeat-sales method allows each index to better capture changes in home prices by controlling for the composition of homes sold in a given month. Data on arms-length sales of homes comes from the New York City Department of Finance. More details on methodology here.
Median Days on Market
Days on market is the number of days from the date of creation of a listing on StreetEasy to the date the listing enters contract. Median Days on Market reflects the exact middle number of days on market among all listings available on StreetEasy that entered contract during a given month/quarter/year.
Sales Inventory
The number of sales listings available on StreetEasy at any point during the month/quarter/year. For example, if a unit was originally listed in February and sold in May, it would be included in the inventory number for the first quarter and the second quarter. This approach allows us to analyze what was available to buyers in a quarter – instead of an arbitrary moment or cut-off point.
Median Asking Price
The exact middle asking price among all asking prices of available listed homes during the month/quarter/year.
Median Price Cut
The exact middle price cut (as a percentage of total asking price) among all available listings on StreetEasy that received a price cut during the month/quarter/year.
Median Recorded Sale Price
The exact middle sales price among all recorded sales prices of homes that closed during the month/quarter/year. In general, median values are more accurate than average values, which may be skewed by price outliers (a few sales that are extremely expensive or extremely inexpensive). In order to consider only arms-length transactions, we do not include foreclosures or sales prices lower than $10,000 in this calculation. Records on home sales transactions come from the New York City Department of Finance.
Percent with Price Cut
The share of all active sales listings on StreetEasy that had a reduction in asking price during that month/quarter/year.
Sale Price to List Price Ratio
The final recorded sales price of a home divided by its initial asking price. A sale-to-list price ratio of 90 percent means the home sold for 90 percent of its initial asking price. The sale-to-list price ratio reported is the exact middle ratio among all homes that we are able to match a recorded sale with a listing on StreetEasy.
Rentals (4)
The StreetEasy Rent Index
The StreetEasy Rent Indices are monthly indices that track changes in rent for all housing types and are currently available from January 2007 in Manhattan, January 2010 in Brooklyn and January 2012 in Queens. Each index uses a repeat-sales method similar that used to calculate the StreetEasy Price Indices. The repeat method evaluates rental price growth based on homes in a given geography that have listed for rent more than once. More details on methodology here.
Rental Inventory
The number of rental listings available on StreetEasy at any point during the month/quarter/year.
Median Asking Rent
The exact middle asking rent among all rental listings available on StreetEasy at any point during the month/quarter/year. In general, median values are more accurate than average values, which may be skewed by price outliers (a few rentals that are extremely expensive or extremely inexpensive).
Share of Rent Cuts
The share of all active rental listings on StreetEasy that had a reduction in asking rent during that month/quarter/year.

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