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How a Listing Makes Its Way to StreetEasy

The NYC real estate market is very fast-paced, and at any given moment, an agent is adding the next great home on StreetEasy’s site. We’re a well-oiled machine when it comes to processing new listings and getting them up on the site as quickly as possible, but what actually happens after an agent uploads a listing to the site? Short answer: A lot! Below is a look at some of the “behind the scenes” magic that’s baked into StreetEasy’s platform that helps to make every listing the best version of itself before it hits our platform.   

Agents and Brokerages Enter Listings

First we work with you, the agent, to collect key information about your listing. This can come by directly entering a listing on StreetEasy or through a feed from your brokerage. Because StreetEasy is a NYC-only platform, there are unique fields we have that might not appear on  other sites. For example, we carry two different fields for doormen: Full-time and part-time, whereas other sites might simply have one entry for doormen.

More than half of the listings on StreetEasy get entered directly by agents, ensuring the listings are of the highest quality when potential clients see them on StreetEasy. (Pro tip: If you’re unsure whether your brokerage sends a feed to StreetEasy, log in to your account and go to “My Listings.” There will be a banner at the top to indicate if you belong to a brokerage that sends a feed.) As we continuously strive to make this process as seamless as possible for the consumer, we constantly look for ways to deliver more value to agents. The recent launch of new features such as Listing Tools aims to do just that.

StreetEasy Verifies All Listing Data

Ever wondered what those blue “StreetEasy Verified” dots next to amenities mean on your listings? That’s our version of the coveted blue check mark on Instagram or Twitter. Once a listing is uploaded to StreetEasy, the first thing we do is make sure we’re providing consumers with the most accurate and comprehensive picture of the listing and building.

Our data integrity team uses a reporting system that automatically verifies the listing and building info against records from New York City’s Department of Finance and Department of Buildings. We don’t stop there. From historical data, school zones, transportation, commute times, and maps, StreetEasy processes millions of data points from key sources and packages it all up for you on the listing page.

Our data integrity team continuously monitors and verifies incoming information to ensure that agents and consumers are seeing the most up-to-date and factually correct information each time they visit the site or app.

Listings Are Search Engine Optimized

StreetEasy has a team entirely dedicated to search engine optimization (SEO). These SEO experts spend their days making sure each listing on StreetEasy has the best chance of being seen by anyone searching for a new home. Obsessing over things like page load times, page interlinking, title tags, maps, and canonical tags helps make sure people are able to find the right home as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Accuracy is No Joke

At StreetEasy, data integrity and listings accuracy are of the utmost importance. For us, it starts with having an entire team of people and proprietary technologies dedicated to policing and preventing inaccurate information on StreetEasy. StreetEasy also relies on our community to flag suspicious information or misbehavior. Agents and consumers alike are welcome to send us a note at at any time, and we’ll respond in less than 48 hours.

As with all products and services on StreetEasy, we strive to always deliver the highest quality information to prospective renters and buyers as efficiently as possible, while supporting agents with the tools and resources they need to help their clients along the way. Check back with our Agent Resource Center often to stay updated on our news, offerings and data reports.

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