(Source: Michael Comeau via Flickr Creative Commons)
[This post has been updated and republished.]
Mothers are great at doling out advice and telling you sharing their opinion on just about everything. So when it came time to announce you were moving to New York City, your mom likely had something to say about that, didn’t she?
We took a casual poll among friends in the office and around town to find out what their mothers’ said upon learning their baby was moving to New York City. Not surprising, the subway was a great cause for concern.
- “Measure!”
- “Make sure the couch you buy will fit up the stairs!”
- “Always unpack the bedroom first. You want to be able to get a good night’s sleep after the stress of moving.”
- ” Wouldn’t it be nice if we lived on the same block?”
Tips on decorating
- “You’re not buying a house – it’s a one-year lease. Don’t go crazy on decorating/buying things for the apartment. You’ll likely move.”
- “An apartment is always improved when it has good light, no matter the size. And a large apartment is worthless if it’s dark and dingy.”
- “Make your apartment your place of refuge. Surround yourself with things you love and that mean something to you. Do not keep things simply because someone gave it to you if you don’t like it or want to use it donate it out – someone else will love it!”
Tips on personal safety
- ” Always have your wits about you and don’t listen to your headphones too loud”
- “Make sure there is a 24 hour drugstore at minimum and ideally an urgent care and a drugstore near your apartment”
- “Triple-lock all doors.”
- “Don’t talk to strangers. Your dad is no Liam Neeson so if you get taken, you’re screwed.”
Tips on apartment maintenance
- “Change the toilet seat as soon as you move in”
- “Create a cleaning schedule. You won’t want to dedicate an entire afternoon to it, so set aside some time each day to keep your aparment tidy.”
- “You never think about buying a plunger until you really need one.”
Tips on personal finance
- “Create a budget!”
- “Don’t waste your money on buying Tupperware”
- “Pay your bills on time!”
- “Don’t pay your last month’s rent so your landlord won’t stiff you on the security deposit”
- “Make sure your rent doesn’t cost an entire paycheck. That’s how much you can afford in rent – less than one paycheck.”
Tips on getting around town
- “Don’t make eye contact on the subway.”
- “Don’t take the subway after midnight.”
- “Don’t ride the subway alone at night.”
- “Don’t take the subway!”
- “Don’t get hit by a cab!“
- “Don’t bother driving from Brooklyn to New Jersey. You might as well live in New Hampshire”
Tips on living
- “Don’t do anything stupid”
- “Always wear clean underwear to bed. You never know when you’ll wake up in the hospital.”
- “Eat healthy. Run outdoors. Make new friends who will love you like family!”
- “Enjoy yourself. It’s like a vitamin B-12 shot!”
- “Please find a husband, preferably a financier”
- “Nothing is permanent. If doesn’t work out, you can always move home!”
Did your mom give you tips? Please share them below!