NYC Life

National Dog Day Is Just An Excuse for Us to Post Photos of Dogs in Listings

OK, let’s say it all together…. awwwww!

In case you haven’t noticed, there’s a “national day” for just about any interest out there. National Waffle Day is tomorrow and there’s even a National Diatomaceous Earth Day (huh?). So naturally, there’s a National Dog Day, which happens to be on Sunday. How to celebrate? How about seeing dogs in their natural environments in their NYC apartments? Hell, yeah!

But, wait…. Why would you put a dog in a listing photo?

Isn’t it a turnoff for non-dog lovers? Or those who might be allergic?

Brett Compton of Warburg Realty says, “It’s usually the owner’s idea to show that it is a pet-friendly building, but I think it becomes a distraction for buyers.  I have three dogs and I would not include them in photos when selling my apartment. Everyone is not an animal person and it could push away potential buyers.”

… Or maybe the real question is why wouldn’t you put a dog in a listing photo?

Exactly. Maria Daou, also of Warburg,  said she used it as an opportunity as a teaser on a brochure, and it worked.

“I had a listing last year where the seller’s dog was on the love seat in the foyer and we hadn’t even noticed until we were putting the brochures together. We decided to use the photo on the back of the brochure and many buyers thought it was endearing.”

Without further ado…

Let us introduce to you the pups of StreetEasy. Below is our collection of dogs in listing photos, collected over the past year. We hope you enjoy them, because we sure did!

Forget about the Eames chair. We want that big lug of a Lab.
Well, some indoor furniture is ok for dogs to sit on too.
Usually owners say “no dogs on furniture,” but who could resist that look? Besides, there is an exception to the rule for outdoor furniture, right? We say yes.
Well, some indoor furniture is OK for dogs to sit on, too.
OK, fine. Dogs can sit on whatever furniture they want.
Hey. Your apartment is messy, but you’re cute.
Life’s tough, right?
Yes, this patio is very cool, but that is one silly little Corgi.
Maybe, if I stare really intently and don’t blink they will let me sit on the furniture ….
Works like a charm.
Who let the cat in?

Is it a turnoff seeing a dog or cat in a listing photo?

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