StreetEasy News

New Feature: StreetEasy Trending

Twice a year, StreetEasy holds “Hack Week” in which all employees spend an entire week working on their own projects or ideas as they relate to StreetEasy’s various applications. Projects can range from internal, back-end improvements that help enhance site performance to improvements around the office. But one project in particular emerged from the last Hack Week and it just recently made it to the site.

Introducing: Trending

Click on the StreetEasy Trending page and you will see:

These links will show results from the last 24 hours, all of which can be filtered by location. This is different from the typical search as it shows interest based off the actions our users are taking, while still allowing the user to save the listing/building and go to the listing/building page itself.

How is This Useful for Users?

Just like the NYC real estate market, the trending results are constantly changing. This is a fantastic way to be able to uncover interest on a different, organic level, which will allow StreetEasy visitors to see what others on the site are interested in. Think of it as “wisdom of the crowd.”

How is This Useful for Agents?

StreetEasy Trending gives agents a peek inside what buyers, sellers, and renters are viewing, sharing, and saving the most on StreetEasy. There very well may be similarities between the top listing or building over time, including utilizing some of StreetEasy’s products such as Featured Listings and Building Experts to boost user interest. Doing this will benefit users as well as more quality listing equals better user experience.

What is This Going to Look Like Moving Forward?

Allowing all visitors on StreetEasy to see this version of organic search results based off users’ actions is a huge plus for consumers and agents. Consumers can see what their peers have taken action on, and agents will see the types of listings and real estate their clientele is interested in.

Take StreetEasy Trending for a spin, and let us know what you think!

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