StreetEasy’s October 2019 Market Reports show landlords offering considerably fewer discounts than in years past.
Renters are facing an unusually competitive fall rental season, with fewer discounts offered by landlords and rent growth continuing to increase at record paces, according to StreetEasy’s October 2019 Market Reports [i]. The latest data shows landlords know that would-be buyers are waiting for home prices to come down and are choosing to rent in the meantime, allowing landlords to offer fewer discounts than they normally would this time of year.
According to StreetEasy data, the share of rent cuts typically peaks this time of year — and while October did bring the highest share of discounts of 2019, we have not seen percentages this low in the month of October since 2015. Landlords in Brooklyn offered the fewest discounts, with only 17% of rentals getting a cut, a decrease of 3.1 percentage points from last October. In Queens, this figure fell to 18.1%, down 1.9 percentage points from a year prior. In Manhattan, 23.4% of rentals were discounted, down just slightly from last year (less than a percentage point).
Rent prices were directly correlated with the lack of discounts — in all three boroughs analyzed, rents reached new record highs. The StreetEasy Rent Index [ii] increased the most in Brooklyn, rising 4.3% to $2,720. Queens and Manhattan were not far behind, with increases of 3.4% and 3.1%, reaching record highs of $2,202 and $3,315, respectively.
“The spike in demand for rentals we’re seeing this year means that landlords don’t have to work as hard to attract a tenant this winter season,” says StreetEasy Economist Nancy Wu. “New Yorkers looking to sign a new lease this winter should expect tougher negotiations and fewer concessions, and should be prepared to move when they find the right apartment.”
October 2019 Key Findings — Manhattan
October 2019 Key Findings — Brooklyn
October 2019 Key Findings — Queens
Definitions of StreetEasy’s metrics and monthly data from each report can be explored and downloaded via the StreetEasy Data Dashboard.
[i] The StreetEasy Market Reports are a monthly overview of the Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens sales and rental markets. Every three months, a quarterly analysis is published. The report data is aggregated from public recorded sales and listings data from real estate brokerages that provide comprehensive coverage of Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens, with more than a decade of history for most metrics. StreetEasy tracks data for all five boroughs within New York City, but currently only produces reports for Manhattan, Brooklyn and Queens.
[ii] The StreetEasy Rent Indices are monthly indices that track changes in rent for all housing types and are currently available from January 2007 in Manhattan, January 2010 in Brooklyn, and January 2012 in Queens. Each index uses a repeat-sales method similar to that used to calculate the StreetEasy Price Indices. The repeat method evaluates rental price growth based on homes in a given geography that have listed for rent more than once. Read more on our methodology.
[iii] The Upper West Side submarket includes Lincoln Square, Upper West Side, Manhattan Valley and Morningside Heights.
[iv] The Upper East Side submarket includes Lenox Hill, Upper East Side, Yorkville, Carnegie Hill and Upper Carnegie Hill.
[v] The Downtown Manhattan submarket includes Civic Center, Financial District, Tribeca, Stuyvesant Town/PCV, SoHo, Little Italy, Lower East Side, Chinatown, Battery Park City, Gramercy Park, Chelsea, Greenwich Village, East Village, West Village, Flatiron and Nolita.
[vi] The StreetEasy Price Indices track changes in resale prices of condo, co-op, and townhouse units. Each index uses a repeat-sales method of comparing the sales prices of the same properties since January 1995 in Manhattan and January 2007 in Brooklyn and Queens. Given this methodology, each index accurately captures the change in home prices by controlling for the varying composition of homes sold in a given month. Levels of the StreetEasy Price Indices reflect average values of homes on the market. Data on the sale of homes is sourced from the New York City Department of Finance. Read our full methodology.
[vii] The Upper Manhattan submarket includes Central Harlem, East Harlem, Hamilton Heights, Inwood, Morningside Heights, Washington Heights and West Harlem.
[viii] The North Brooklyn submarket includes Williamsburg, East Williamsburg and Greenpoint.
[ix] The Central Queens submarket includes Woodside, Jackson Heights, East Elmhurst, North Corona, Elmhurst, Corona, Maspeth, Middle Village, Ridgewood, Glendale, Rego Park and Forest Hills.
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