Industry Hub StreetEasy for Pros

Reasons to Upgrade to StreetEasy PRO

For better or worse, the New York City real estate market is a place where active and aggressive agents come out on top. But you know that. If you’re using StreetEasy around the clock, working hard to get leads and close deals, you’re most likely one of those active and aggressive agents. But, even if you have the experience and work ethic, are you getting qualified leads? StreetEasy PRO can help you distinguish yourself, stay ahead of your competition and get more leads.

Here’s what you get as a StreetEasy PRO:

1.     StreetEasy PRO Badge

Once you become a StreetEasy PRO, you get a PRO badge next to your name, which showcases your local real estate authority to potential clients. As a StreetEasy PRO, your name will be distinguished by a special PRO badge wherever your name appears on the site. This badge draws attention to your name in the Shop for a Broker search and communicates to clients your dedication to the business.

2.     Enhanced Profile Page

In addition to getting a PRO badge, you will also receive an enhanced profile page with a search engine optimized URL.  The URL will contain your first and last name, which will help boost your rankings on search results pages and help potential leads search and find you more easily.

You can add a larger headshot, video and brokerage logo to your enhanced PRO profile page. This allows you to customize your own profile page and truly set yourself apart from other agents on StreetEasy.

3.     Showcase Buy-Side, Sell-Side and Rental Deals

Unlike regular agents, as a StreetEasy PRO, you can showcase your entire deal history on your profile page, including buy-side, sell-side and rental deals. This allows you to highlight your complete professional experience to clients and is clear proof of your deal volume.

4.     Featured Listing Discounts

Want your listings to be top of mind and top of the search results for qualified clients? Buy a Featured Listing. Whenever you feature a listing on StreetEasy, it’s guaranteed a top spot on the StreetEasy search results page for all relevant searches, which results in four times as many page views as a regular listing.  Ask about the Featured Listing discount given to StreetEasy PROs.

5.     Access Building Owner’s Lists

One of the PRO product’s most competitive features is the ability to download building-specific owner’s lists. These lists provide the first and last name, address and unit numbers and sales date of all current owners in a given building. This means you can create personalized, targeted mailers and send them to current owners in buildings you would like to secure sell-side deals in. It’s an excellent way to increase your number of qualified leads as a listing agent and be top of mind for sellers as they begin the home selling process.

6.     Access to Metrics

The PRO product also gives you access to detailed traffic reports which allow you to better track the performance of your listings.

> Sign Up for StreetEasy PRO Now

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