NYC Life

Register to Vote Before You Miss the Boat: Key Deadlines Coming Up

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Heads up, New York City, there’s a local primary coming in September and voting registration deadlines are coming up fast. Here’s a quick guide with dates and deadlines to make sure you’re registered and that your voting status is up to date.

When is the 2018 Primary in New York?

It’s on Thursday, Sept. 13. Yup – this year the primary will be held on a Thursday, which is a switch from the typical Tuesday Election Day tradition. That’s because the usual Tuesday coincides with the 17th anniversary of 9/11 and is the final day of Rosh Hashanah.

How Do I Register to Vote?

You can register in person at your local county board of elections or any state agency participating in the National Voter Registration Act, such as your local DMV and turn in a registration form. If you cannot get to the DMV or elections board by the deadline, you can send an application in by mail.

You can also register to vote online through the DMV’s website. You’ll first have to create an account, which is slightly more involved than you might think, and then you can register to vote by clicking on the “Electronic Voter Registration” button.

Don’t know your registration status? You can do an easy check here.

How Do I Change My Voting Address?

The process to change your voting address is the same process to register to vote. That means you have to send in a new voting registration application if you want to change your voting address even if you are already registered to vote in New York. The process works exactly the same as registering to vote for the first time and the same registration deadlines apply. If you want to vote in your current congressional district and you’ve moved in the last year, get your registration application in by Aug. 19.

Why Should You Vote in the Primary?

Because it’s your right and civic duty. This year, New Yorkers are watching a contentious Democratic gubernatorial primary race between Gov. Andrew Cuomo and former “Sex and the City” star Cynthia Nixon. In polling, Cuomo appears to have a huge lead over Nixon, but nothing is guaranteed, as evidenced by Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s surprising defeat of Joe Crowley for a house seat.

You can learn more about the other candidates running here.

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