How you respond to a lead, nurture them, and convert them to a closed deal is part art, part science. You may be skilled at starting the conversation, but keeping the conversation going and re-engaging leads that have gone quiet can be a challenge. Use these scripts and best practices to maintain high-value interactions with contacts and inch them closer to transacting.


Voicemail scripts

We encourage Experts to prioritize live phone calls over text or email, even if you haven’t heard from a prospect in a while. If you try to reach them by phone and get their voicemail, use one of the following scripts.

Hi [contact name]! It’s [your name] with [brokerage]. 

It’s been awhile since we last connected, but I found some listings I thought may interest you, and they’re going to go quickly. I have some time this weekend to show properties, so give me a call if that sounds good to you. Remember, you can reach me at [your number]. 

Talk to you soon. Thanks!

Hi [contact name]! It’s [your name] with [brokerage].

I know you were considering buying an apartment the last time we talked. There have been some interesting changes in the market since we last spoke and I wanted to give you an update. If you’re interested, I’d love to share some information and discuss the best options for you.

Give me a call back at [your number] and let’s talk.

Text message scripts

After phone calls, text messages are the next best way to reach clients. Nearly 100% of text messages are read within minutes of being delivered. Use these scripts to check in and reignite the conversation.

Hi [contact name]! It’s [your name] with [brokerage]. Just checking in on your apartment search. Did you have any questions? I know of some exciting new listings that I think you’ll love. Can I send them your way?