Printed from at 04:55 PM, Feb 7 2025
Real New York
REAL New York
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About Real New York
As fellow New Yorkers, we know that renting, buying, or selling a home in this city can often be an impersonal and time-consuming process full of u...
As fellow New Yorkers, we know that renting, buying, or selling a home in this city can often be an impersonal and time-consuming process full of unexpected surprises. From hidden apartment issues to brokers gone AWOL, we’ve seen and heard it all over the years. That’s why our mission at Real New York is to turn the typical moving experience on its head. Our team is filled with real people that have real expertise, combining diverse backgrounds with knowledge of a market that includes over 1,000 exclusive Real listings. And we won’t just help you find the perfect place, but make sure you connect with your new neighborhood too – whether that’s above a Lower East Side bar or down a quiet side street in Cobble Hill. It’s our passion for New York and its people that inspires us to make this transition as easy and insightful as possible. No secrets and no BS – just a small piece of the city that you can’t wait to come back to every day.