We’ve introduced a new way for StreetEasy® Experts to efficiently connect with buyers and ensure they receive timely, detailed responses to their inquiries. The Enhanced Connection Experience is your direct line to buyers, and it’s now available to all Experts.
The experience gives Experts two convenient options in Agent Tools when they receive a buyer connection: RESPOND NOW, meaning send the buyer a message directly on StreetEasy, or PASS ON CONNECTION to another qualified Expert.
Here’s how to use the feature, the benefits of this new experience, and answers to frequently asked questions.
How it works
When you receive a new buyer connection, you’ll get an email as well as a push notification from Agent Tools, depicted below. The Agent Tools app is available for iOS and Android devices.
In Agent Tools under Experts > Connections, you’ll see the option to RESPOND NOW or PASS ON CONNECTION (if applicable):
If you choose to RESPOND NOW, you’ll be prompted to send the buyer a message directly on StreetEasy. During working hours, you must respond within 30 minutes of receiving the connection, indicated by the date and time shown. See the Q&A for more information on required response times.
TIP: Experts who respond to a new connection within 30 minutes are approximately 40% more likely to set an appointment.*

Once you’ve sent the message, you’ll be able to view the buyer’s contact information in Agent Tools, and the status of the connection will be automatically updated to Attempted Contact. The buyer will see your response on StreetEasy and receive an email notification including your information and message. You’ll receive a confirmation email that your message was sent, and this email will also include the buyer’s contact information.
Should you choose to PASS ON CONNECTION, the connection will be routed to another Expert who has the appropriate experience to work with the connection. Team Leads will still see the option to Reassign buyer connections to other members of their team.

Here’s why this new experience is beneficial for you and your buyer connections:
- More control over your connection flow. Using the PASS feature routes the buyer to another Expert who’s ready to serve them, giving you more control over your pipeline and fostering more timely connection opportunities for both Experts and buyers.
- Simpler communication with new connections. Single-platform messaging, right on StreetEasy within Agent Tools, allows you to connect with buyers where they already are.
- Timely responses, better engagement. Having a 30-minute window to respond to new connections helps you focus on potential buyers when they’re most likely to be active.
Why is the connection experience changing?
Before this change, our data indicated the heard-back rate for buyers contacting an Expert was less than 100%, revealing there was an opportunity to improve the connection experience. Our goal is to improve the experience for both Experts and buyers by introducing a more direct, streamlined process. We believe that when buyers attempt to connect with an Expert on StreetEasy, they should receive a timely and detailed response. In turn, we believe Experts should have the option to connect with the right buyers at the right time, and pass on connections that are not a good fit or exceed the Expert’s bandwidth.
What’s the required timeframe for responding to connections?
During operational hours (9am – 6:30pm ET), inclusive of weekends, Experts have a 30-minute window to respond to new connections. For connections received outside these hours, Experts have until 9am the following day to respond. These timeframes are subject to change at StreetEasy’s discretion, and as otherwise set forth within the Experts Program Performance Standards.
What happens if I don’t respond within the given timeframe?
You must respond to connections within the indicated timeframe on Agent Tools. If you don’t respond within the given timeframe, the connection will be routed to the next eligible Expert. Per the Experts Program Performance Standards, by participating in Experts, you expressly acknowledge that failure to meet the requirements herein may result in a lead being passed to another agent.
If there is no other eligible Expert available, the connection will remain in your inbox and be classified as an “open connection.” In this case, respond to the connection as soon as possible, within no longer than 24 hours. Otherwise, you may risk a decreased flow of connections or suspension from the program.
Why will the connection notification no longer include the buyer’s contact information?
The new process requires Experts to respond to buyer connections in Agent Tools in order to view the buyer’s contact information. This ensures buyers receive timely, detailed responses from Experts when they’re likely to be active, while providing Experts with a direct line to buyers and the information they need to start the conversation.
What are some reasons I should pass on a connection?
You should pass on a connection if you do not have the bandwidth to take on additional clients. When an Expert accepts a connection, we expect the Expert to meet StreetEasy’s high engagement standards (and terms of the Experts agreement) across the connection pipeline, from initial messages to closed deals. If you’re unable to do so, you should pass on the connection so it can be routed to another Expert.
Is there a maximum number of times a connection can be passed?
A connection is eligible to be passed until there are no available, qualified Experts who can help the buyer. According to our data, connections are rarely passed more than two times.
If I pass on the connection, can I change my mind and receive the connection again?
No. Once you pass on a connection, the connection is routed to a different Expert.
Does passing on a connection impact my performance score?
No, passing on a connection does not impact your program performance.
Can I create a message template to respond to connections in Agent Tools?
Yes — to save time and ensure consistency in communication, you can use a pre-populated response template, or create and save a custom template for your messages.
I use a CRM to track my connections — what do I need to do?
The new connection experience may impact your CRM’s email parsing. Given your team will need advance notice to set up how your CRM organizes connections, we’ve created documentation for Follow Up Boss and other CRMs.
I use a CRM and I’m no longer receiving my connections — why?
If you’re no longer receiving connections through your CRM, it’s likely that your CRM vendor needs to update your lead ingestion method. Please see the documentation for Follow Up Boss and other CRMs.
For further information or questions about the Enhanced Connection Experience, please contact your Business Advisor.
*Based on data collected during program pilot, October – December 2024.
By participating in the Experts program, you agree to the terms and conditions contained in the StreetEasy Experts Program Performance Standards. Please review the standards to learn more about your respective duties and obligations.