Check the bedbug registry :(

Started by etta
over 14 years ago
Posts: 1
Member since: Jul 2010
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Hi everyone, I was so excited to see some great-looking apartments in the East Village and Lower East Side that were actually within my budget.... until I googled the addresses and they came up in the bedbug registry. Granted, places that aren't listed could also have bedbugs; judging by how hard they are to get rid of, however, I wouldn't move into a place that's been on the registry any time in recent history (there was one property where the problem kept coming back year after year). Ew.
We need to use this on the entire country.
hey sorry to say but people are putting false entries in the bedbug registry as a way to get out of their lease or as a joke. not to say your building's entries are fake but i personally know of two buildings in brooklyn where it was done as a joke and one in manhattan where it was done as a method of getting out of the lease.
Yea, sorry, but until the bedbug registry verifies submissions, its worthless.... Its really sad how people believe everything they read, especially in this day and age.
"It must be true, I read it on the internet!"
what is the address for the registry? thanks.
What is verifiable is the city's list - I stopped a friend from renting a bed bugged condo because of it. These entries are filled by inspectors, not randos. It catches all violations that the inspectors note - mice, leaks, no hot water, etc. Just type in an address in the middle/left side.
a better requirement is that you ask the landlord to provide a note from the exterminator that there are no bedbugs in the apartment. Usually that means they send out a dog and check inside cracks, electric outlet covers, etc...
jason10006: I tried this, and I had trouble getting any hits at all. Is the nyc site very sensitive to abbreviations, etc.? Couldn't figure out how to get the building I'm looking at to come up. (And it wasn't built all that long ago, so I figure there should be hits on certificate of occupancy, or something.)
^^I am not sure. I have had little trouble with it. Some bldgs record zero violations, so maybe none of the ones you looked at had any. Two places I lived in a HK had multiple each, however.
landlords are not yet required to state if the unit has or had bedbugs. the bedbugregistry is still the best resource for tenants. every building i know of that has them is on it. this is a HUGE problem in the city and getting rid of them is no easy task. vikane is a great solution but not cheap or easy to get.