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ING Direct??? What's the point?

Started by 1OneWon
over 14 years ago
Posts: 220
Member since: Mar 2008
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Anybody using these guys? I'm on the fence about opening an account here. I understand this will basically be a "on-line" account and I will have my present account/bank "linked" to them. So, what's the point of opening an ING Direct account if I still have to keep open a regular bank account and have to deal with said regular bank? Is the increased savings % that big of a deal?
Response by new2RE
over 14 years ago
Posts: 145
Member since: Feb 2009

I really like ING. Have savings and checking with them - they will mail out paper checks and electronic payments at no cost. Have ATMs through different entities (check out network). Rates are anemic, but higher than most other financials. Can also buy stocks through them at low cost.

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Response by hennyman
over 14 years ago
Posts: 5
Member since: Aug 2010

what led you to the point of considering ING in the first place?

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Response by hsw9001
over 14 years ago
Posts: 278
Member since: Apr 2007

You should check out hsbc direct. Similar to ING but they have branches everywhere in NYC.

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Response by MRussell
over 14 years ago
Posts: 276
Member since: Jan 2010

I have ING Direct... the point to using them, back in the day, was because they were offering 5% interest rates. Now it is 1.10%, which is still better than what TD Bank gives me which is either 0.25% or 0.50%. No minimums, no other hassle, great customer service.

Considering that I was mainly using it for their 5% interest rate back in the day, I guess I don't really need them now, but then again I haven't looked at all their features. I'm sure you can withdraw cash from any ATM without fees and do other stuff, but I'm just happy leaving savings in there for the time being.

If you want access to your money with an interest rate that is better than any brick and mortar Bank in the city, you could do a lot worse than using ING Direct. Plus you can take your money out whenever, which you can't do with a Savings account.

(Matthew Russell - Brown Harris Stevens)

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Response by lad
over 14 years ago
Posts: 707
Member since: Apr 2009

I think ING is trying to transition, with mixed success, from being the interest rate leader to being the easiest to use. Their interface is great.

As others have said, their interest rates used to be phenomenal. Now they seem below average versus the short-list of banks I've relied on over the years for top rates: Discover Bank, Ally Bank (formerly GMAC), GE Interest Plus (money market), PNC Bank/National City.

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Response by somewhereelse
over 14 years ago
Posts: 7435
Member since: Oct 2009

other banks from time to time beat ing, but then they go lower. ING is pretty consistently up there, if you're picking one place, its a good bet.

Its not your regular checking account (which will get crappy or no interest) and the bank regular savings/money market are garbage... but its a very good place to park funds you don't want to risk.... short term needs, emergency funds, bla bla.

Its also very easy to subdivide the dollars into parts (say you want to name different accounts for things) and the transfers are very easy. Auto deductions for specific things you're saving for is great... and you can do multiple ones for the multiple accounts.

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Response by lad
over 14 years ago
Posts: 707
Member since: Apr 2009

If you're parking down payment at ING, be aware that they will not -- and apparently cannot -- issue cashier's checks or send wire transfers. Thankfully I realized this early enough that I was able to ACH to another bank and then wire to the escrow account from there, but this very nearly delayed settlement.

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Response by somewhereelse
over 14 years ago
Posts: 7435
Member since: Oct 2009

I think of ING as my "back of the closet" money. Definitely not for stuff for a few days. I like it for the longer term stuff, and its very well set up for that.

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