StreetEasy recently gave partner landlords and brokerages an exclusive look at voucher programs here in NYC. The fireside chat featured Ahmed Tigani, Deputy Commissioner for Neighborhood Strategies at NYC’s Department of Housing Preservation & Development (HPD). He joined our own Stephanie Schonholz for a timely discussion of the Emergency Housing Voucher program.
This initiative will play a vital role in our city’s recovery from the pandemic. And we are pleased to share the conversation with you here. Read on for an overview of what we covered, and view the recording in full below.
In Focus: Vouchers in NYC
We began by having Deputy Commissioner Tigani share an overview of voucher program. He laid out the role they play in NYC housing, and how the HPD helps streamline the process for New Yorkers. We also touched on the incentives available to property owners who work with voucher holders, including some tips for getting started.
For voucher holders themselves, we highlighted a new StreetEasy feature that assists in navigating the search. Discrimination against lawful source of income, including housing vouchers, remains an issue despite its protection by state and local Fair Housing laws. And this fireside chat focused on educating attendees about this important point as well.

The Emergency Housing Voucher Program
As federal pandemic relief arrives for New York City and State, we wanted to tap Deputy Commissioner Tigani’s perspective to better understand the Emergency Housing Voucher program. He outlined how many new vouchers the program is bringing to NYC. He also discussed how local agents and leasing teams can prepare for this influx of voucher holders.
View the full conversation for Deputy Commissioner Tigani’s top three takeaways for property owners, some of the HPD resources available to owners and renters, and much more.