Hello, StreetEasy fans!
Do you have great photos of New York City that you might want to share? Would you like to see your work possibly appear in the header of the StreetEasy Blog? If so, submit your work and one photo — or maybe two or more — could appear in the StreetEasy Blog header! That’s right. We are inviting people to submit their photos of New York City and if your photo is selected, it will be published front and center on our blog. This will give the blog an ever-changing, lively and local view of New York City and you get some exposure in return.
Where will my photo be featured?
At the top of the StreetEasy Blog — in the big header where it says, “StreetEasy Blog.”
What do I get in return?
You get a link back to your website, blog, or social media site (e.g., Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Flickr etc.).
What kinds of photos are acceptable?
We are looking for anything from New York City. Bring us your lovely photos of quintessential Brooklyn brownstones, those amazing shots of the New York skyline at sunset, the picture of the corner bodega that perfectly captures your neighborhood’s feel, or the wall of gritty graffiti you pass every morning on the way to work. That’s right – images of the underbelly of New York are interesting and totally acceptable, but please understand any submission will be reviewed and publication is at the editor’s sole discretion. Keep in mind, we only want New York City images – that means anything from the five boroughs (Manhattan, Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and Staten Island).
Note that you may only submit photos taken by you, in which you retain the copyright. You may not submit photos that were taken by anyone other than you. In addition, you must agree to the Zillow Terms of Use in order for us to consider your photo.
Can I have people in the photo?
Yes! We love people in images, but we have a rule. Our rule is simple: If anyone is a “recognizable individual,” we will need a model release form from them. Please download our model release agreement and have everyone in the photo sign it. If an individual is under the age of 18, we need a parent/guardian’s signature. Then, scan the release form and email it back to us at photos@streeteasy.com.
Ready to submit your photos to the StreetEasy Blog?
Once you click “Go to photo submission page” below, you will be taken a StreetEasy photo upload page hosted by Submittable.