Printed from at 08:49 PM, Feb 6 2025
Licensed Real Estate Broker
Gama Group
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Operating out of a boutique office in Brooklyn, Gama Group is a power team made up of industry veterans with a goal of breaking the mold of what...
Operating out of a boutique office in Brooklyn, Gama Group is a power team made up of industry veterans with a goal of breaking the mold of what a Real Estate Brokerage does. We understand that each client is different and super special in their own way. This is why we are free from the limitations of the standard franchise brokerages, the checklists, and templates that come with them. Throwing the typical process out the window; we have the complete ability to serve you in creative ways and establish a relationship to last for years to come. Our promise to our clients is to be there for you every step of the way- whether it be finding your first home or selling the one you grew up in- we will adapt to your needs as they come. You have your family doctor, lawyer, accountant, and mechanic- all you’re missing is the family Broker that will work for you like no other. With individuals, you can trust and with a brand that is at the forefront of design and technology- you will never need another brokerage again. Welcome to the family.
NY License Number
10491206092 (Expires 03/07/2026)
NY Licensed Name