COVID-19 + NYC Real Estate

Number one on New Yorkers’ post-COVID must-lists: outdoor space. (From a listing at 263 W. 139th St.)
Quarantine life really gives you time to think, doesn’t it? During this “pause,” we have all spent more time in our homes than we probably ever have. And that means plenty of opportunity to examine every detail of the spaces that we live in – the good, the bad, and the ugly. After being cooped up in your probably-smallish, likely-not-your-dream-home NYC apartment for a few weeks, what do you now know you need for your next home? Outdoor living space? A kitchen you can actually cook in? A home-office area? We asked around: Here’s what’s driving New Yorkers crazy about their homes during COVID — and what they will be absolutely be looking for in their next move.
Outdoor Living Space: NYC’s Post-Quarantine Must-Have
Sheltering in place and social distancing mean that fresh air is New York real estate’s most coveted amenity right now. Whether it’s roof-deck access, a private terrace or balcony, or close proximity to a park, being stuck inside has made us long for the great outdoors.
“I love that my apartment is near parks,” says Deirdre in Harlem. “I’m close to both Central Park and Riverside Park, and it’s been keeping me sane, especially for going out with my dog.” Casey in Carroll Gardens agrees: “I so appreciate the small balcony in my apartment right now. Going out there has been my only outdoor time each day.”

In the city, a little outdoor space goes a long way. (From a listing at 50 Greenpoint Ave. #4A)
“I really want a balcony or other outdoor living space in my next apartment,” says Ian in Hudson Heights. “Not having a way to just pop outside, get some air, and see what’s going on — even if nothing’s going on — makes me feel even more thoroughly stuck. Plus, it’d be a way to enjoy good weather without having to go on a full-on outing.”
Even when you’re not outside, sunshine is still crucial to a happy home space. “I hate my lack of natural light,” says Amory in Bed-Stuy. “I’m normally not home during the daytime, but now that I am, I’ve realized this place is dark and depressing.”
“While I miss being outside a lot, at least my apartment gets good light. That helps so much,” confirms Sean in Greenpoint. “And we’ve been making use of the fire escape — my roommates and I decided that would be a good name for a bar, so ‘The Fire Escape’ is our neighborhood bar for now.”
NYC Homes With Outdoor Space Under $2M on StreetEasy Article continues below
A Home Office Is Next on Everyone’s Wish List
Lack of outdoor living space isn’t the only issue eating at New Yorkers during this time. Working from home shines a spotlight on another big problem: from where, exactly? Many of us have discovered that with no dedicated home-office space, we are stuck at our kitchen counter, on our sofa, or any number of places that are not conducive to working. “I used to take my dining table for granted — I mostly used it for mail storage,” says Lauren on the Upper West Side. “But now it’s both where I actually eat every meal, and my desk. I’m sitting here all day long!”
“We have a desk that sat dormant for a whole year after we bought it,” says James from Williamsburg. “Now it’s the single best piece of furniture we own.”

A comfortable home-office space makes working from home much easier — and a river view doesn’t hurt, either. (From a listing at 10 West End Ave. #30B)
“I’ve never had a dedicated workspace in my home. It’s always been fine to do a little work here and there from the couch or floor,” says Bryan on the Upper East Side. “Since I’ve been working from home, I’ve started to notice things like my back hurting from sitting awkwardly all day. And it’s hard to tune in to work in the morning and tune out in the evening when you’re in the same spot. Having a proper office space would solve these issues.”
Cristen on the Upper West Side agrees. “My next apartment needs a real office area,” she says. “Quarantined life has taught me that it’s important to separate my work life from my personal life, and that means having a separate space that I only use while working. Without that, I’m finding it difficult to shut my laptop at the end of the day.”
New Yorkers Crave More Space to Spread Out
Fiona in Flushing echoes the way a lot of New Yorkers feel, even when we’re not quarantined: A little more room would really make life easier. “My apartment just feels cramped, especially now that I’m there all day,” she says. “I wish I had more room to spread out!”
“My tiny studio apartment accommodates a bed, a nightstand, and a chair, and that’s about it,” says Elle in Brooklyn Heights. “Living in a place where a FitBit caps out at 14 steps is making me stir crazy. And I never realized how much I value a couch before! In my next apartment, I’d like to be able to fit a couch — that’s how I’ll know I’ve really made it in New York.”

A bathroom this luxe is as good as a spa getaway. (From a listing at 11 Hoyt St. #15H)
Mick on the Upper West Side is thinking a bit grander: “I want a luxurious bathroom in my next apartment,” he says. “I need an escape from our small space. We can’t go anywhere, so having a bathroom with a gorgeous tub sounds like I place I can go to relax, light candles, read a book, and just pretend I’m somewhere else.” Deirdre in Harlem can attest to the difference a nice bathroom setup can make: “Having two bathrooms has been a lifesaver for me during this time. It may actually be why I am still married!”
Small Conveniences Make a Big Difference
For many apartment dwellers, being home 24-7 makes little luxuries matter a lot more. “One thing I now know that I absolutely need in my next place is a dishwasher,” says Casey in Carroll Gardens. Amory in Bed-Stuy seconds the dishwasher desire. “Normally, my husband and I eat breakfast and lunch at work or on the go, and the kids eat lunch at school. All of us eating all our meals at home means a ton of dishes!”
Bryan on the Upper East Side suddenly covets a bigger refrigerator: “This apartment has a half-fridge under the counter, rather than a full-size one,” he says. “I didn’t think I cared until now! It’s definitely something I’ll take into consideration in my next place.”
NYC Homes with Laundry Under $1M on StreetEasy Article continues below
And finally, Karl in Chelsea says the quarantine reinforces what every New Yorker longs for even more than outdoor living space: in-unit laundry. It’s more desirable now than ever, not only for convenience but for practical health concerns. “My main reason for wanting my own washer/dryer is to not have to deal with my building’s communal laundry room. I have to take the elevator to get to it,” he says. “There are just so many touch points — the machine handles, the buttons, even the card-reading machine.”
Here’s hoping life gets back to normal soon. And when it does, here’s hoping your next NYC apartment is one step closer to your dream home!
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