5Pointz graffiti artists win $6.7M (6sqft) — A federal judge awarded the artists behind the iconic graffiti-covered warehouse in Long Island City $6.7 million after their work was whitewashed by a property owner.
The Obamas are not moving to the Upper East Side — After much speculation that the Obamas were planning a move to the exclusive UES co-op building 10 Gracie Square, along comes a New York Magazine source to throw a bucket of cold water on the idea.
NYCHA owes tenants $15M in rent refunds, says Legal Aid Society (Curbed) — The Legal Aid Society is demanding that the New York City Housing Authority pay $15 million in rent refunds to more than 300,000 tenants who lost heat between Oct. 1 and Jan. 22.
More than 1,000 city-owned properties are sitting unused, despite the affordable housing crisis (Metro) — The Comptroller’s office reports that the Department of Housing and Preservation is letting more than 1,000 properties slated for residential development lie fallow.
Speed camera tickets worth $2.8 million are invalid, another lawsuit argues (amNY) — The $122.6 million in fines the city has collected from speed cameras could be invalid due to a technical error, according to a new lawsuit.
Mark Cuban invests $200,000 in an avocado-focused restaurant in Sunset Park (Eater) — Hopefully avocado toasts stay on-trend.
A “Museum of Candy” will open in Chelsea (NBCNews) — Avocados may come and go, but candy is forever.
The average wedding in New York City costs $77,000 (Pix11) — According to a recent study by the Knot, weddings in New York City are more expensive than anywhere else in the country.
What’s the worst post office in NYC? (Patch) — Nominate your local post office today!
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