Extell's 50 West 66th

Started by Rinette
over 1 year ago
Posts: 536
Member since: Dec 2016
Discussion about 50 West 66th Street in Lincoln Square
Not yet on Streeteasy.com but listings are on Corcoran: https://www.corcoran.com/building/upper-west-side/710203
Even the zoning attorneys I know said that appeals court ruling was trash.
What do you think of the "accidental" misreporting of the oil spill as 70 gallons rather than 700?
More listings now on Corcoran, still not on Streeteasy.
Why is the T capitalized?
To draw attention away from some rather ineleganT floorplans? (good separation of private / space in the ones I looked at, but terrible programming of space. E.g., could somebody please explain 10D?
Are you talking about the "primary" (God forbid anyone gets triggered by the word "master") bedroom directly by the entrance?
Yes, for starters. Then:
* The LR is two hallways away from the front door, and upon entering the LR, you're actually face to face with the dining table. The 'long hallway' floorplan was mostly dead in NYC around the turn of the 1900s. Why it appears here is a mystery. Dining tables in LRs are an almost inescapable fact of live in most NY apartments, but shouldn't be at that price point.
* Bedroom 2 has a lot of wasted hallway (walking around the WIC) because of the placement of the laundry room. There are several fixes, by reprogramming other areas and stealing space, but BR 2 remains a problem room.
* All 4 BRs have wasted rather a lot of space in their hallways. Maybe the target buyers are families who are training short alley duckpin players.
* For a 5 BR home, there is 1 large public space (LR/DR), and that odd 'family room' off the kitchen (which exists so you can claim a 'windowed kitchen'). While the family that plays together perhaps stays together, it's unfortunate that there isn't another public, yet somewhat private location - this is why dens and libraries were invented (and for suburban kids, basement 'rumpus rooms'), e.g., a place for parents to monitor their activities without helicoptering directly.
* There is really no need for all the BRs to have their own private bath. I know tastes and expectations have changed since I grew up in a 1900s-era house (6 people, 2 baths, only 1 on BR level), but it's unnecessary for kids, and particularly if one BR is being flogged as 'office' space.
* On the pro side, all the sleeping spaces (perhaps with the exception of the MBR) do not share common walls with neighbors or each other, so noise transmission concerns are reduced. Also nice to have a laundry room with it's own sink. I'd say it's great for washing the dog, but buyers at this price point probably take Fido to the groomer.
10D - the Primary doesn't even get two exposures! it is pretty awful, and repeated 10 times from floors 7 to 17.
As for the capitalized 'T', is that to avoid Streeteasy.com picking up the listings?
I can't believe nothing in this building is in the $40M range yet
$35M and $85M availabilities https://www.corcoran.com/building/lincoln-square/710203
this apartment seems disappointing
Is someone punking us? Who is the target market for this building?
That's a strange question